123456 Research and capacity building for communities of people on genders and sexualities, human rights, justice & peace.  
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Engender's Staff

Dawn Bosman - Volunteer

Dawn Bosman is a former garment worker, and now a full-time undergraduate student at the University of the Western Cape. In Dawn's own words: "For years I was stuck in a negative mind set - only when I changed my perspective on life did I start moving. I choose to volunteer for Engender because they empower woman."


Nicole Brink - Intern

Nicole Brink is a native Capetonian who is passionate about gender issues. She is currently completing an Honours degree in Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of the Western Cape. Her first degree was in Women’s & Gender Studies, Psychology and Sociology. She wishes to contribute to developing communities so that gender issues are dealt with sensitively and humanely.


Miriam Danne - Community Gardens Project

Miriam is a Political Science student from Berlin, Germany. She is focused on doing research on gender issues and the fight against right wing extremism. She is motivated to participate actively in enhancing equity between women and men worldwide. Among her passions are computers, sports and making television reports, which she likes to creatively integrate into all her work.


Juliana Davids

Jules grew up in a beautiful rural town, Ashton, and traces her Khoe identity through her mother line. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree (part-time) in Women & Gender Studies at the University of Western Cape (UWC) . Since 2001, Jules has worked on various gender and HIV initiatives as an educator, VCT counsellor, gender trainer and volunteer coordinator across sectors (corporate, government, civil society), including at Hope Worldwide, Pollsmoor prison, and UWC. She was awarded the UWC Student Representative Council’s “Impact award”.

Jules also stars in a unique play, “Reclaiming the P… Word”, which deals with each actor’s experiences of gender and gender violence in South Africa. This play has been performed nationally, including at the 2007 South Africa’s National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.


Malinda Droomer - Community Gardens Project

Malinda is an experienced gardener who has built up several community and backyard gardens in her community of Atlantis, a township some 50km from Cape Town. She has been part of various projects in Atlantis, aimed at empowering community members to create a sustainable and enjoyable environment for everyone. She is also an LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersexed) and women’s rights activist. Her gardening work stems from her deep sense of spirituality, that the earth, plants, animals and humans are inextricably connected and interdependent. She is reclaiming her KhoeSan heritage.


Ruendree Govinder - Web Developer

Ruendree Govinder runs a consultancy that specialises in assisting NGOs with technology-related advice, from developing websites to strategic IT planning. http://www.interiority.co.za or ruen "at" interiority.co.za


Esna Markus - Part Time General Assistant

Esna Markus is originally from Keimoes in the Northern Cape, and of Khoisan descent. She is a multi-talented individual, who handles any job with a smile, from painting to gardening to domestic work. Fiercely independent, she has been variously employed in the motor and building industries, supermarkets, and as a domestic worker. She loves reading, especially novels and travel guides, and wishes that she could travel beyond South Africa one day. She is a compassionate person whose caring nature is a perfect fit with Engender’s work.


Bernedette Muthien - Director

Jenny Pape - Web Developer






Bernadette Peters – Community Gardens Project

Bernadette is a native Capetonian who has always been concerned with the well-being of community members. She is a tireless champion of the needs and concerns of the socially disadvantaged, especially in her community of Village Heights, part of a mammoth informal settlement near Muizenberg which is so well hidden from view that many locals have never heard of it. She is a popular and selfless community organiser. Bernie has been an enthusiastic gardener since childhood, and she manages her own small but fruitful backyard garden, in addition to helping other community members with their own backyard gardens. Her big dream is to develop a larger community garden in Village Heights, and to help the women in other communities establish food gardens too. Bernie once said, "Sometime I would like to become a social worker..." In fact, she is already an informal social worker and community leader of much experience and wisdom.






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EQUALITY...is the thing. It is the only true and central premise from which constructive ideas can radiate freely and be operated without prejudice.

Mervyn Peake



God has chosen what
the world regards as
foolish to shame the
wise, and what the
world regards as weak, God has chosen to
shame the strong, and
what the world regards
as low, contemptible,
mere nothing, God has chosen…

[Bible, First Lesson,
I Corinthians I: 27-28]







Men will never be free until women enjoy full gender equality.

Kumi Naidoo, CIVICUS Secretary-General
International Women’s Day, 8 March 2007









“If you have a society of selfish people, combined one-to-one with altruistic people, theoretically the altruists should be wiped out. But altruists can co-operate. Which gives them a strong advantage. That is the cause of hope.

Matthieu Ricard









Abundance is your natural state
Out of abundance g-d took abundance
and still abundance remained.

The Upanishads



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